What happens when you stop smoking?

The stories that smoking cessation doesn't go unnoticed are absolutely true. There are many reasons for that. This, of course, is the well-known physical and mental dependence and the ability of nicotine to actively participate in the metabolic processes of the human body. Let's try to understand in detail what happens when you quit smoking, but don't need to think that the goal is to scare smokers who are afraid to give up cigarettes after reading it. All of the benefits of quitting cigarettes are certainly listed. Everything will just be aimed at getting tobacco lovers at least thinking about whether to quit smoking?

stop smoking

Consequences of smoking cessation

It is well known that the cessation of nicotine intake into the body leads to a temporary metabolic disorder, which in humans is very often accompanied by a feeling of hunger. Of course, his deterrence leads to the appearance of obesity.

It has long been known that quitting smoking can lead to withdrawal. This is because nicotine has a weak narcotic effect and, like any drug, is addictive and withdrawal leads to withdrawal, which is expressed as:

  • nervousness and irritability;
  • nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • increased sweating;
  • nausea;
  • headache.

These are just general symptoms, of course. Their presence may be linked to a disease, for example, and the fact that this happened when a person quit smoking is only evidence of the patient's severe tobacco dependence.

Nicotine is a type of doping for the body. Quitting smoking can lead to a weakening of the immune system, which is linked to temporary depression of the nervous system due to a lack of nicotine stimulation.

After some time (two to three weeks on average) after quitting smoking, a dry (sometimes painful), fairly frequent cough occurs. What happens to your lungs when you stop smoking? The lack of regular intake of nicotine and tar with cigarette smoke leads to the fact that the lungs are gradually detached from them, and this leads to the appearance of such a cough.

It is extremely rare, but stomatitis still develops. This usually occurs for the first time after a person quits smoking. It manifests itself in the form of ulcers on the oral mucosa.

In almost 100% of cases, mental changes occur after quitting cigarettes. What happens when you quit smoking with our psyche? There are many things here:

  1. A decrease in communication with smoking friends can be accompanied by a feeling of abandonment (regular visits to the smoking room with them were with a discussion of many different topics, without which a person feels lonely);
  2. Changing the already known, constant rituals (e. g. after a meal, a cup of coffee or a beer) causes discomfort.
  3. Stressful situations deplete energy and determination much faster than when a person was addicted to cigarettes. Tobacco somehow helped calm the nerves faster.
  4. When withdrawing from nicotine, it becomes more difficult for a person to concentrate;
  5. A decline in self-confidence is the most common consequence of smoking cessation, which is actually just a human deception, since the lack of cigarettes alone triggers panic and non-smokers do not have such feelings.

This is not an exhaustive list of what happens to a person when they quit smoking. Most of these effects occur when the body suddenly loses its supply of nicotine. In this context, many ask whether it is not harmful to stop smoking suddenly. All of these can convince the smoker to give up cigarettes. It would be wrong not to talk about the other side of the coin. Then you can consider whether you should stop smoking.

Advantages of smoking cessation

The goal is not to convince someone of something, it is just a call to think about whether to give up cigarettes.

The biggest advantages of quitting are:

  • Ending exposure to tobacco poisons;
  • no spending on cigarettes;
  • End the harmful effects of cigarette smoke on loved ones;
  • Improves the function of the taste buds and offers the opportunity to enjoy the full range of flavors of your favorite dishes.
  • Freedom from addiction, termination of nicotine binding;
  • Improves skin condition, slows down skin aging;
  • adds free time that can be used productively;
  • improved sense of smell, the ability to feel smells more subtle;
  • the ability to do the sport fully and, above all, more efficiently;
  • improves memory.

Perhaps some of these positives of smoking cessation seem a little bit, but it will certainly help to at least think about quitting smoking altogether. And that's the way to go. There will always be more good things to get rid of a bad habit because it gives health and freedom. These are perhaps the two most precious things in human life. And you shouldn't be afraid of what will happen if you stop smoking. A person is well able to cope with all of this, and most of the psychological consequences of giving up smoking are simply made up by the person.

Is it harmful to stop smoking suddenly

Many smokers ask themselves: “Is it harmful to suddenly stop smoking? “There is an opinion that it is even more dangerous for the human body. Meanwhile, most experts argue that you only have to give up cigarettes once and for all and nothing else. And if negative consequences have occurred, then it is unlikely that they were precisely due to a sharp refusal to smoke. Most likely, these are just signs that the cleansing of the body has begun. However, it should be recognized that this is perfectly acceptable if the smoker eventually reaches the goal and gradually reduces the number of cigarettes. Answer to the question: “Is it worthwhile to stop smoking suddenly or gradually? “There's only one thing you can say for sure - you have to stop, but how - it doesn't matter, the main thing is to be successful.